Wondering where to get the ideal labels for commercial printing?
Posted by Admin on 23rd Jul 2021
Printing needs vary by industry, yet they are all consistent. The demand for direct thermal printer labels is always present in the industry, owing to its affordability and ease of availability. Argonstore.ca offers a diverse range of printer labels to meet any commercial need.
Direct thermal printer label have no hassle of using ribbons, ink, or toner to print. Heat sensitive direct thermal labels make it easy for the paper to change colour as it passes through the printer due to a chemical reaction. When searching for direct thermal labels on Argon Technology Canada's website, keep in mind the core sizes. In almost all desktop direct thermal printers, there are label rolls used which comes with a 1-inch to 1.5-inch core size and a 4-to-5-inch outside roll diameter, but industrial thermal printers require 3-inch cores and can handle rolls up to 8 inches in diameter.
An external label rewinder is available for desktop direct thermal label printers, allowing you to use the larger 6-to-8-inch outside diameter direct thermal label rolls. In mobile printers, cores ranging from 0.5” to 0.75” are often used.
Types of direct thermal labels
- Paper labels - In most cases, these are basic direct thermal paper-based labels with a long-lasting adhesive.
- Linerless labels - There is no liner on these label rolls, which allows for more label material and less waste.
- Flood coated labels - The white label substrate has a solid colour flood coating on these paper-based direct thermal labels. They're dyed from border to border to ensure an even coat throughout the entire label, giving it a single-color background instead of the typical white backdrop seen on most labels.
The difference in sizes is that these direct thermal labels are obtainable for industrial, desktop, and mobile barcode printers. You can look through the collections on the website to find one that best suits your needs.
The Epson GP-C831 Label is the first inkjet printer to be BS5609-certified for high-quality, long-lasting label printing. The C831 is great for helping small businesses succeed since it can print a large number of labels and barcodes quickly and at a lower cost of ownership than comparable thermal and laser printers. Printing on a number of die-cut material is possible with the ColorWorks printer.